Scientific publications
Here you can find more or less all my scientific publications.
Wearable system for monitoring a swimmer's performance - WO 2015155069 A1
... (still secreted)
Editored Book:
P. Perego, G. Andreoni, E, Frumento. m_Health_between_reality_and_future. Springer. 978-3-030-02181-8.
P. Perego, A. Rahmani, N. TaheriNejad, (Eds.) (2018). Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare: 7th International Conference, MobiHealth 2017, Vienna, Austria, November 14–15, 2017, Proceeding (vol 247). Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-98550-3
P. Perego et al. eTELEMED 2017, The Eighth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine - Conference proceedings (2017). Think Mind. ISBN: 978-1-61208-540-1
P. Perego, G. Andreoni, , G. Rizzo, (Eds.). (2017). Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare: 6th International Conference, MobiHealth 2016, Milan, Italy, November 14-16, 2016, Proceedings (Vol. 192). Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-58877-3
P. Perego et al. eTELEMED 2016, The Eighth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine - Conference proceedings (2016). Think Mind. ISBN: 978-1-61208-470-1
M.H. Windesheim, Y. Murata, B. Östlund, B. Gheorghiu, SeungHee Lee, J. Machado, C. F. da Silva Portela, A. Dol, P. Perego, “eTELEMED 2017, The Ninth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine”. ISBN: 978-1-61208-540-1
M. Hettinga, Windesheim A.L. Culén, L. Van Gemert-Pijnen, A. G. Ekeland, T. Bergmo, P. Perego, M. Caon, C. Degano, P. Giacomelli, K. Dyb, “TELEMED 2016 The Eighth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine". ISBN: 978-1-61208-470-1
Editored Special Issue:
A.M. Rahmani, P. Perego, N, TaheriNejad, Special Issue "Selected Papers from 7th EAI International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare”. A special issue of Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220). (2018)
P. Perego, A.M. Rahmani, N. TaheriNejad, ACM/Springer Mobile Networks & Applications (MONET), SPECIAL ISSUE ON Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare: Transforming healthcare through innovations in mobile and wireless technologies. Springer. ISSN: 1572-8153. In press. (2018)
M.C. Fusca, F. Negrini, P. Perego, L. Magoni, F. Molteni, G. Andreoni, “Validation of a Wearable IMU System for Gait Analysis: Protocol and Application to a New System” Appl. Sci. 2018, 8(7), 1167. doi.org/10.3390/app8071167
M. Fusca, P. Perego, G. Andreoni, "Method for Wearable Kinematic Gait Analysis Using a Harmonic Oscillator Applied to the Center of Mass”. Journal of Sensors (2018). doi.org/10.1155/2018/4548396
C. E. Standoli, M. R. Guarneri, P. Perego, M. Mazzola, A. Mazzola, G. Andreoni, “A Smart Wearable Sensor System for Counter-Fighting Overweight in Teenagers”. Sensors, (2016). doi.org/10.3390/s16081220
G. Andreoni, C. E. Standoli, P. Perego, “Defining requirements and related methods for designing sensorized garments”. Sensors (6), 769, (2016). doi.org/10.3390/s16060769
G. Andreoni, F. Costa, A. Attanasio, G. Baroni, S. Muschiato, P. Nonini, A. Pagni, R. Biraghi, R. Pozzi, M. Romero, P. Perego, “Design and Ergonomics of Monitoring System for Elderly”, In Digital Human Modeling. Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. Springer International Publishing. (2014), 499-507. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-07725-3_49
P. Perego, A.C. Turconi, G. Andreoni, C. Gagliardi, “Cognitive ability assessment by brain-computer interface II: application of a BCI-based assessment method for cognitive abilities”, Brain-Computer Interfaces, (2014), 1-11. doi.org/10.1080/2326263X.2014.979727
A.G. Cutti, P. Perego, M.C. Fusca, R. Sacchetti, G. Andreoni, “Assessment of Lower Limb Prosthesis through Wearable Sensors and Thermography”, Sensors, 14(3), (2014) 5041-5055. doi.org/10.3390/s140305041
G. Andreoni, M. Mazzola, P. Perego, C.E. Standoli, S. Manzoni, L. Piccini, F. Molteni, “Wearable Monitoring Devices for Assistive Technology: Case Studies in Post-Polio Syndrome”, Sensors, 14(2), (2014) 2012-2027. doi.org/10.3390/s140202012
G. Andreoni, A. Fanelli, I. Witkowska, P. Perego, M. Fusca, M. Mazzola, M. G. Signorini, “A validation protocol for wearable sensors: an application roadmap for textile electrodes”, IEEE Transactions on biomedical engineering, 1(2012) 1-7.
P. Perego, A.C. Turconi, G. Andreoni, L. Maggi, E. Beretta, S. Parini, C. Gagliardi, “Cognitive ability assessment by Brain–Computer Interface Validation of a new assessment method for cognitive abilities”, Journal of Neurosciece Methods, 201 (2011) 239– 250. doi.org/10.1016/j.jneumeth.2011.06.025
G. Andreoni, M. Bernabei, P. Perego, A. Barichello and L. Piccini, “Example of clinical applications of wearable monitoring system”, International Journal of Computer Research (2011) ISSN 1535-6698 Volume 18, Issue 3/4 pp. 323:39 2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ISSN: 1535-6698
Book chapters
P. Perego, “Device for mHealth”, m_Health Current and Future Applications, Ed. Springer 2019, 87-99, ISBN: 978-3-030-02181-8.
R. Sironi, C.E. Standoli, P. Perego,. G. Andreoni, ”Digital human modelling and ergonomic design of sleeping systems”, DHM and Posturography, 2019, 385-396, ISBN: 978-0-12-816713-7
P. Perego, G. Stano, “Smart Home Grid: towards interconnected and interoperable electrical model to improve the usage awareness”, Designing Sustainability for all, Volume 3. Editore: M. Ambrosio C. Vezzoli. 2019, 946-950, ISBN: 978-88-95651-26-2
F.C.E. Costa, M.G. Aureggi, L. Migliore, P. Perego, M. Pillan, C.E. Standoli, G. Vignati, “Design for sustainability and ICT: a household prototype for waste water recycling”, Designing Sustainability for all, Volume 3. Editore: M. Ambrosio C. Vezzoli. 2019, 869-872, ISBN: 978-88-95651-26-2
G. Andreoni, P. Arslan, F. Costa, M. Fusca, M. Mazzola, S. Muschiato, P. Perego, M. Romero, C.E. Standoli, G. Vignati, “A multidisciplinary approach to user-centered design: Case studies in health care”, Dialogues on Design: Notes on Doctoral Research in Design 2018, 39
S.E. Lenzi, C.E. Standoli, G. Andreoni, P. Perego, N.F. Lopomo, “Comparison Among Standard Method, Dedicated Toolbox and Kinematic-Based Approach in Assessing Risk of Developing Upper Limb Musculoskeletal Disorders”, Advances in Human Factors in Wearable Technologies and Game Design, Volume 795, pp135. Springer International Publishing. 2018. ISBN: 978-3-319-94618-4
G. Andreoni, F. Costa, A. Attanasio, G. Baroni, S. Muschiato, P. Nonini, A. Pagni, R. Biraghi, R. Pozzi, M. Romero, P. Perego, “Design and Ergonomics of Monitoring System for Elderly”, Digital Human Modeling. Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management, 2014/1/1, 499-507, Springer International Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-319-07725-3
C. Brunner, G. Andreoni, L. Bianchi, B. Blankertz, C. Breitwieser, S. Kanoh, C.A. Kothe, A. Lécuyer, S. Makeig, J.Mellinger, P. Perego, Y. Renard, G. Schalk, I.P. Susila, B. Venthur, G.R. Müller-Putz, “Bci software platforms”, Towards Practical Brain-Computer Interfaces, 2013/1/1, 303-331, Springer Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-3-642-29745-8
A. Fanelli, M.G. Signorini, P. Perego, G. Magenes, G. Andreoni, “A smart wearable prototype for fetal monitoring”, Advances in Human Aspects of Healthcare, 2012, 33-9
P. Perego, E. Gruppioni, F. Motta, .G. Verni, G. Andreoni, “From biomedical research to d user BCI: Applications through improved usability of BCI++ v3.0”, Advances in Cognitive Engineering and Neuroergonomics, 2012, 300-7.
M. Romero, F. Costa, S. Muschiato, P. Perego, G. Andreoni, “Designing wearable and environmental systems for elderly monitoring at home”, Advances in Social and Organizational Factors, 2012, 463-9.
P. Perego, A. Moltani, M. Fusca, R. Zanini, R. Bellù, G. Andreoni, “Wearable monitoring systems in pre-term newborns care”, pHealth2103, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 177(2012), 203-9.
P. Perego, A. C. Turconi, C. Gagliardi, G. Andreoni, “Psychometric evaluation with Brain-Computer Interface”, Human-Computer Interaction, Part I, HCII 2011, LNCS 6761, pp. 406–413, 2011.
Romero M., Perego P., Andreoni G., Costa F. “New Strategies for Technology Products Development in HealthCare” Sciyo New Trends in Technologies, pp.131-142, 2010.
F.C.E. Costa, A. Amati, M. Antonelli, G. Concetta, M. Di Mauro, A. Ferrante, K. Krasojevic, R. Mangiarotti, M. Meraviglia, A. Nebuloni, P. Perego, R. Sironi, F. Spanu, C.E. Standoli, G. Vignati, P. Volontè, Maryam Ziyaee, L. Migliore. “Designing the Future: An Intelligent System for Zero-Mile Food Production by Upcycling Wastewater”, Proceedings at The Economy, Sustainable Development, and Energy International Conference, Edinburgh, Scotaland, 25-27 June 2018.
P. Perego, G. Stano, “Smart Home Grid: towards interconnected and interoperable electrical model to improve the usage awareness”, Proceedings at LeNS World Distributed Conference 2019, Milan, Italy, 3-5 April 2019
F.C.E. Costa, M.G. Aureggi, L. Migliore, P. Perego, M. Pillan, C.E. Standoli, G. Vignati, “Design for sustainability and ICT: a household prototype for waste water recycling”,,Proceedings at LeNS World Distributed Conference 2019, Milan, Italy, 3-5 April 2019
C.E. Standoli, S.E. Lenzi, N.F. Lopomo, P. Perego, G. Andreoni, “The Evaluation of Existing Large-Scale Retailers’ Furniture Using DHM”, Proceedings at the 20th International Ergonomics Association Congress, Florence, Italy, 26-30 August, 2018.
S.E. Lenzi, C.E. Standoli, G. Andreoni, P. Perego, N.F. Lopomo, “A Software Toolbox to Improve Time-Efficiency and Reliability of an Observational Risk Assessment Method”, Proceedings at the 20th International Ergonomics Association Congress, Florence, Italy, 26-30 August, 2018.
C.E. Standoli, S.E. Lenzi, G. Andreoni, P. Perego, N.F. Lopomo, “Comparison Among Standard Method, Dedicated Toolbox and Kinematic-Based Approach in Assessing Risk of Developing Upper Limb Musculoskeletal Disorders”, 9th International conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, pp 512-521. Orlando, Florida (USA) 21-25 July 2018.
C.E. Standoli, S.E. Lenzi, N.F. Lopomo, P. Perego, G. Andreoni, “Using Digital Human Modeling to Evaluate Large Scale Retailers’ Furniture: Two Case Studies” 9th International conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, pp 512-521. Orlando, Florida (USA) 21-25 July 2018.
S. Scataglini, E. Truyen, P. Perego, J. Gallant, D. Van Tiggelen, G. Andreoni, "Assessment of Human Balance Due to Recoil Destabilization Using Smart Clothing”. 9th International conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, pp 172-183. Orlando, Florida (USA) 21-25 July 2018.
N. Molinaro, C. Massaroni, D. Lo Presti, P. Saccomandi, G. Di Tommaso, L. Zollo, P. Perego, G. Andreoni, E. Schena, “Wearable Textile Based on Silver Plated Knitted Sensor for Respiratory Rate Monitoring” EMBC 18, Honolulu, Hawaii (USA) 17-21 July 2018.
M.R. Guarneri, P. Perego, “Games and Gamification for Healthy Behaviours: The Experience of PEGASO Fit 4 Future”. eHealth 360°, pp.100-109, 2017
S. Scataglini, E. Truyen, P. Perego, J. Gallant, D. Van Tiggelen, G. Andreoni, “Assessment of Human Balance Due to Recoil Destabilization Using Smart Clothing”. International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomic. pp.172-183. 2017
M.W. Rivolta, M. W., P. Perego, G. Andreoni, M. Ferrarin, G. Baroni, C. Galzio, G. Rizzo, M. Tarabini, M. Bocciolone, R. Sassi, “A new personalized health system: The SMARTA project”. In International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare. Springer, Cham, pp. 375-380 November 2016.
M. Caon, S. Carrino, L. Condon, A. Ascolese, S. Facchinetti, M. Mazzola, P. Perego, F. Velickovski, G. Andreoni, E. Mugellini, “PEGASO Companion: A Mobile App to Promote Healthy Lifestyles Among Adolescents”. In International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare. Springer, Cham, pp. 53-61 November 2016.
G. Andreoni, C.E. Standoli, P. Perego. “Sensorized Garments for biomedical monitoring: Design issues”. In 2nd International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2015.
C.E. Standoli, M.R. Guarneri, P. Perego, M. Mazzola, A. Mazzola, G. Andreoni. “A smart wearable sensors system for counter-fighting overweight in teenagers”. In 2nd International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2015.
C. Carrion, M. Caon, S. Carrino, L.A. Moliner, A. Lang, S. Atkinson, M. Espallargues. “Wearable lifestyle tracking devices: are they useful for teenagers?”. In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (pp. 669-674). ACM, 2015.
G. Andreoni, C.E. Standoli, P. Perego. “Wearable monitoring of elderly in an ecologic setting: the SMARTA project”. Proceeding of the 2nd International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications. 15-30 November, 2015.
P. Perego, M. Tarabini, M. Bocciolone, G. Andreoni. “SMARTA: Smart Ambiente & Wearable home monitoring for elderly”. Proceedings of the 2nd EAI International conference on IoT Technologies for HealthCare. 26-27 October, 2015, Rome (Italy).
P. Perego, R. Sironi, R. Lavezzari, G. Andreoni, G.C. Santambrogio. “Wearable device for swim assessment: a new ecologic approach for communication and analysis”. Proceedings at Mobihealth 2015, 5th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare, 14-16 October, 2015. London (Great Britain).
G. Andreoni, M. Tarabini, F. Gocanin, P. Perego, M. Bocciolone. “Smart Ambient&Wearable integrated monitoring at home for elderly”. Proceedings of the 37th annual international conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), August 25-29, 2015. Milan (Italy).
P. Perego, R. Sironi, R. Lavezzari, G. Andreoni. “User-Centered Design for Wearable Neuro-rehabilitation System”. Proceedings of the 2015 workshop on Wearable Systems and Applications (pp. 57-58). ACM. Florence 2015 (Italy).
R. Sironi, P. Perego, R. Lavezzari, G. Andreoni. “Study of integrated neuro-motor rehabilitation system based on User Centered Design”. Proceedings of the 6th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living. 19-22 maggio, 2015. Lecco (Italy).
P. Perego, G. Andreoni, R. Zanini, R. Bellù, A. Moltani, “Wearable biosignal monitoring system for newborns”, Proceedings at Mobihealth 2014, 4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare - "Transforming healthcare through innovations in mobile and wireless technologies”, Novembre 2014, Athens (Greece),
P. Perego, G. Andreoni, G. Santambrogio, M.Fuscca, R. Lavezzari, “Smart garments for performance and training assessment in sport” Proceedings at Mobihealth 2014, 4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare - "Transforming healthcare through innovations in mobile and wireless technologies”, Novembre 2014, Athens (Greece),
M. Caon, M. Tagliabue, L. Angelini, P. Perego, E. Mugellini, G. Andreoni, “Wearable Technologies for Automotive User Interfaces: Danger or Opportunity?”, Proceedings at the 6th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications. Septebre 2014, Seattle (USA), pp. 1-5.
M. Caon, E. Mugellini, P. Perego, G. Andreoni, “Atelier of Smart Garments and Accessories – Second Edition”, Proceedings at ISWC '14 ADJUNCT, September 13 - 17 2014, Seattle (USA), pp. 171-6.
G Andreoni, A Fanelli, I Witkowska, P Perego, M Fusca, M Mazzola, MG Signorini, “Sensor validation for wearable monitoring system in ambulatory monitoring: application to textile electrodes”, Proceeding at Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth), 2013 7th International conference, May 2013, Venice (Italy), pp. 169-175
A.G. Cutti, P. Perego, M.C.Fusca, G. Andreoni, ”Multi-factorial analysis of human-prosthesis interface in trans-tibial amputee”, Proceeding at American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association, O&P World Congress 2013, Septembre 18-21, 2013, Orlando (USA).
M. Romero, P. Perego, F. Costa, G. Vignati, D. Veronesi, “Teaching and learning physical computing: a experimental method for industrial design faculty”, Proceeding at EDULEARN12, International Conference Education and New Learning Technologies, July 2-4, 2012, Barcellona (Spain).
A. Fanelli, M.G. Signorini, P. Perego, G. Magenes, G. Andreoni - “A smart wearable prototype for fetal monitoring”. Proceedings of 4Th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE). San Francisco (CA-USA), July 21-25, 2012.
P. Perego, E. Gruppioni, F. Motta, .G. Verni, G. Andreoni. “From biomedical research to End User BCI Applications through improved usability of BCI++ v3.0”. Proceedings of 4Th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE). San Francisco (CA-USA), July 21-25, 2012.
M. Romero, F. Costa, S. Muschiato, P. Perego, G. Andreoni. “Designing wearable and environmental systems for elderly monitoring at home”. Proceedings of 4Th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE). San Francisco (CA-USA), July 21-25, 2012.
P. Perego, A. Moltani, M. Fusca, R. Zanini, R. Bellù, G. Andreoni, “Wearable monitoring systems in pre-term newborns care”, PHealth 2012: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health, Volume 177, pp. 203-9, June 26-28, 2012, Porto, Portugal doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-069-7-203
P. Perego, A. Moltani, G. Andreoni, “Sport Monitoring with Smart Wearable System”, PHealth 2012: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health, Volume 177, pp. 244, June 26-28, 2012, Porto, Portugal
A. Fanelli, M.G. Signorini, M. Ferrario, P. Perego, L. Piccini, G. Andreoni, G. Magenes, “Telefetalcare: A First Prototype of a Wearable Fetal Electrocardiograph”, Proceeding at 33rd Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, August 30 - September 3, 2011, Boston Marriott Copley Place, Boston, MA, USA.
A. Fanelli, M.G. Signorini, M. Ferrario, P. Perego, L. Piccini, G. Andreoni, G. Magenes, “The first prototype of a fetal wearable electrocardiograph”. Proceeding at 1st IEEE EMBS Unconference on Wearable & Ubiquitous Technology for Health & Wellness. Boston, MA, USA, p. 1, 2011
G. Andreoni, F. Costa, M. Mazzola, S. Muschiato, P. Perego, M. Romero, “Ergonomics and Design in Healthcare: a Multifactorial User-Centred Approach to Biomedical Assistive Devices”, BioMed@POLIMI Proc 1st Workshop on the Life Sciences at Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Nov. 2010, pp. 309-311
G. Andreoni, F. Costa, M. Romero, P. Perego, L. Piccini, “Wearable Sensors and BCI for Home Care, communication and automation control”, BioMed@POLIMI Proc 1st Workshop on the Life Sciences at Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Nov. 2010, pp. 418-420.
G. Andreoni, P. Arslan, F. Costa, S. Muschiato, M. Romero, H. Nam, P. Perego “Next Generation Mobile Healthcare Services through Collaborative Design Development”. BioMed@POLIMI Proc 1st Workshop on the Life Sciences at Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Nov. 2010, pp. 421-424
A. Bonarini, G. Fontana, P.L. Lanzi, P. Perego , “Attivazione corticale nei praticanti di karate con BCI di costi contenuto” FIKTA Italy 2010
Arslan P., Nam H., Romero M., Perego P., Costa F., Andreoni G., Muschiato S. “MOHE: Mobile Health for moms, kids, adults and elderly”, ICDC2010 First International Conference on Design Creativity – Novembre, December 2010 – Kone (Japan)
Perego P., Andreoni G., Turconi AC., Gagliardi C. “BCI for Psychometric Assessment”, 4th BCI International Meeting, June 2010 – Monterey (USA)
Ferrante S., Perego P., Parini S., Maggi L., Andreoni G., Ferrigno G., Pedrocchi A. “THINK TO GRASP: Development of a Motor-imagery controlled neuro-prosthesis to promote re-learning of grasping: a feasibility study on healthy subjects”, Tobi 2010, Tools for Brain-Computer Interaction, February 2010 – Graz (AU)
Perego P., Alamia A., Maggi L., Andreoni G., “BCI Keyboards: towards mind writing”, ”, Tobi 2010, Tools for Brain-Computer Interaction, February 2010 – Graz (AU)
Pisana F., Ferrante S., Parini S., Maggi L., Perego P., Andreoni G., Pedrocchi A. “THINK TO GRASP: Development of a Motor-imagery controlled neuro-prosthesis to promote re-learning of grasping in hemiplegic patients: study of methodology on healthy subjects”, 14th International FES Society Conference, IFESS 2009 – September 2009 – Seoul (Korea)
Perego P., Maggi L., Parini S., Andreoni G. “BCI++: A new framework for Brain Computer Interface applications”, ISCA – SEDE 2009 – 18th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering, June 2009 – Las Vegas (USA)
Perego P., Maggi L., Parini S., Andreoni G. “A Home Automation Interface for BCI application validated with SSVEP protocol”, International BCI workshop 2008, September 2008 –Graz (AU)
Maggi L, Parni S., Perego P., Andreoni G. “BCI++: an object oriented BCI Prototyping Framework”, International BCI workshop 2008, September 2008 –Graz (AU)